The LipoRoller ® is...

Made from safe, hygienic material, the easy-to-use, self-administered LipoRoller® smooths, shapes, and contours skin following surgery so you can be sure you see the results you want.

The LipoRoller® is designed to be used over your compression garment, meaning you’ll avoid the discomfort often associated with removing surgical apparel.

Feel the toxins as they're flushed from your body! Try the efficient, effective LipoRoller® today from the comfort of your home or office for results that are truly evident.

The Original Liporoller® is
a recovery MUST..
Liposuction comes at a high price .. There is surgery downtime, uncomfortable compression garments, dealing with post-procedure issues such as unsightly lumps, fibrosis, hematoma, etc. .. Simply put, getting sculpted ("snatched") is one thing, but tackling recovery for up to a year is truly something else .. What is a real possibility and downright scary is that should these issues be left untreated or not treated properly, that they can cause permanent skin irregularities .. Jeopardizing your desired results and potentially leading toward emergency surgery and costly, timely revisions ..
What If Your Recovery Is Unsuccessful?
Is that a real possibility? Unfortunately, it is .. You have your procedure, work through the post-liposuction recovery process, and only to find out that your results are not quite what you envisioned .. Round 2 simply to correct, or, attempt to correct Round 1?
That isn't how it should be..
- What if YOU could play an even more important role in your recovery?
- What if YOUR recovery was in YOUR hands on YOUR schedule?

So what are you waiting for?
- Be prepared - don’t leave your recovery to chance.
- Invest in a LipoRoller today, and love your results tomorrow. the results you want and deserve.

for the Liposuction Client

and Therapists



Protect Your
Buy My Liporoller Now
While the LipoRoller® is designed to work proficiently on its own, to receive maximum results, we suggest using it in conjunction with a professional massage treatment.
For lymphatic drainage:
- Ten minutes every day for two weeks, post-surgery.
For scar tissue:
- Fifteen minutes every day for three months.
Benefits may include:
- Edema reduction
- Fibrosis reduction
- Scar tissue prevention
- Infection prevention

about us
After my wife and some friends went through a liposuction procedure, and had to deal with the recovery - we looked for ways to speed up the process and make sure it heals as well as possible.
We poured through online websites, social media, asked our friends and more… We went and looked at medical supply shops… The result was always the same - there’s no product available that was designed specifically for post surgery massage.
And even more importantly - there was no massage tool designed with the post-liposuction patient in mind.
We kept thinking…
“Why isn’t something like this available?”
Eventually, we took it into our own hands. We did extensive research on massage devices, massage techniques, and found out exactly what happens during the liposuction recovery process.